Operative since over 30 years, Markas doesn’t need any presentation!
This specialized firm offers to lots of public and private organizations such as hospitals, rest houses, universities, schools and hotels, a wide range of services: from sanitization to catering, from logistical activities to the customer services at the hotel.
We are proud to have given our contribute to the company’s improvement with our line of machineries for the collective catering, such as the new 1Hundred and Infinity XL.
Afinox srl
Via Venezia, 4
Tel. +39 0499638311 | Fax. +39 049552688
Partita IVA/Cod. Fisc.: IT 00912610284
Cap. Soc. Euro 600.000 i.v. – R.E.A. PD 159248 – Reg. Impr. PD n. 00912610284