Infinity all in one arrives in Colombia
The Infinity all-in-one technology has arrived in Colombia at the Barranquilla and Medellín offices of Industrial Taylor for a two-day training focused on the functionalities of the Afinox blast chillers.
Various preparations, from low-temperature cooking of the tenderloin to the creation of fancy cocktails with fresh fruit, enabled the participants to learn how to employ Infinity all-in-one to create new working methods in the kitchen.
Afinox srl
Via Venezia, 4
Tel. +39 0499638311 | Fax. +39 049552688
Partita IVA/Cod. Fisc.: IT 00912610284
Cap. Soc. Euro 600.000 i.v. – R.E.A. PD 159248 – Reg. Impr. PD n. 00912610284