Afinox training days with Infinity Evolution
The training days on Infinity Evolution never stop: on May 6th and 7th our Chef Amato Pantaleone showed the functionalities of Afinox technologies at the restaurant “Locanda Aurilia” in Loreggia (PD)
In Afinox we believe it it is essential to promote training on our technological innovations to encourage constant growth: OUR BUSINESS IS IMPROVING YOUR BUSINESS.
Afinox srl
Via Venezia, 4
Tel. +39 0499638311 | Fax. +39 049552688
Partita IVA/Cod. Fisc.: IT 00912610284
Cap. Soc. Euro 600.000 i.v. – R.E.A. PD 159248 – Reg. Impr. PD n. 00912610284